BJMP Badge

The BJMP badge that is about to be pinned on your left chest is the symbol of legal authority. It is placed near your heart to remind you of the fidelity and dedication expected of you as public servants.
This badge to be entrusted to you symbolizes your worthiness as a jail officer – worthiness to safekeep and develop the lawless elements of our society, our clients – the Persons Deprived of Liberty. The badge is a reminder for you to always render the highest form of public service with the commitment of sacrifice and even willingness to die in service of God, the country and its people. This badge reminds you to maintain the dignity of your character at all times.
Now, the challenge once you receive the badge is for you to walk tall, head up and bravely face the daily risks and perils of your duty. Keep the badge unblemished and free from any breach of fidelity. By the regularity of your conduct, always endeavor to avoid any aspersion against our institution.
You are to preserve our cherished customs and traditions and never countenance any deviation from them nor allow them to be overstepped.
Your dignity as a jail officer is symbolized by the badge that is to be pinned on your heart. Never swerve from your solemn oath of office, nor violate your vows or betray the trust of the public.
You are a jail officer – wear your badge with honor and pride.